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  • I too just got back from being out. If your free to play now, I can hop on, add you and we can smash.
    My NIND is: xRush101

    I can probably play later tonight if not my sister (Temari) can give us an extension.
    I'm not sure if you remember me, but I remember playing with you in MKW back in the day. Hi :)
    Yeahh, it's always hard for me to be confident. Same as in real life, if idk someone I get really shy and blehh trying to talk to people, lol.
    It's hard for me to block and grab cuz if I focus on too many buttons I get confused and it makes me wanna go "wait a sec, needa remember my buttons.." xD I've always just been an ATTACKK!! person since melee and Soul Calibur II for GC, lol (it had Link so uhm.. heck yes)
    I do need to practice more though. Since my bf got the game, I should be able to practice with him a lot and help to learn what I lack. ^^
    I haven't played the Wii U version too much xD we got it this Christmas and my bro or dad usually hog the system so I've only played for this and the last tournament or for fun with my bf, but he just got it recently too.
    But you do pretty well. I just get really nervous when not with someone I know, plus I'm a 0 when it comes to blocking and grabbing lol.
    Same to you!
    I'm pretty bad, and I haven't used Falco since before the update on the 3ds, but thought I'd try cuz I figured I'd lose anyway xD
    Good luck in the rest of the game!
    Want to play a few matches in ssb4?

    (I have gotten way less spammy since th last time we had a battle)
    It's mevs you for the smash tournament now as jingke cant take part. Message me when ur ready.

    My NNID is Zuko55
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