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  • hi saw your interested in my brewster set, ues it comes with ALL gyroids and some extra's like extra cream and sugar and extra coffee cup. as far as the wall paper goes I sitll have but don't aloud to let many people know that i have the, I got an infraction.
    Procrastinating plot resetting Maple. I forgot houses had to only be a space away from rocks, not two. What a newb mistake. My plot blockers are worthless in two spots....that she apparently really wants to move to.
    Ah yes! X'D Sorry I spaced out (this is why I hate trying to set up trades, since I space them out all the time)
    My friendcode is in my profile c:
    If I could have Chief without cycling for him I probably would, maybe, I love Fang. Hey I've got 15 extra bamboo. Want and/or need 'em? Want to introduce anyone else into the super top secret society?
    Such tough decisions we face. I've gotten two pwp requests I needed. I'm about 99% sure I'm moving Fang into that town. Who doesn't need Fang in all their towns?
    Thanks dear but I can't really. NZ exchange rate is nuts at the moment. Buying anything in US dollars is now double the price. 1.67NZD to 1US. For example I bought my boyfriend's Christmas gift the other day for 19US, it was 39NZD. Its ridiculous. I remember when the US dollar was only just a few cents higher than ours and buying something overseas was like added 10 dollars to figure out the NZ price...yeah that was me figuring out exchanges rates back then lol. Now I can't afford anything in the last few months. Heck I haven't bought anything from ebay in almost a year. I'm still looking for a job so I have the cash for these things. Life. Man I sound like a downer lol.
    Yes actually! My father got a Chinese import, a Huion 1060pro+. The name and the package is kinda ridiculous, and the driver is annoying as hell but it does the job. I got it as a birthday present and so far it's done me well. I haven't used it much though...nor I can when it behaves like a toddler. Seems to work fine on my mother's laptop which she only uses for Facebook, doesn't work most of the time on my new computer...then again my new computer is useless anyway. I got it a month ago and it corrupted all the art I did in one night. It was the computer, not the tablet I swear! I was so angry at it I haven't touched it since.
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