sounds good i will load up shortly..i'm so bored i'm actually willing to knock the badge out tonight (not sure if that will happen though) poor Phineas wandering around my town @ 12am
Want me to do a few more? I'm not tired at all which is odd. I'm curious to see how close i am to that badge..if i fish/get bugs i will have to sell at your Re-Tail since mine is closed for the evening.
Aleshapie~ before I start on your commission, could you please PM me the stance/expression you're talking about with Alice? I searched some up, but not sure which one you wanted exactly. I'd appreciate it! :,D
Oh and that app is really nice too, i'll be getting it all set up this weekend. It's a pain you can't check em all off if you have them all already (like the fossils/art)
hmm hopefully i can catch one later today (since it's 1am here) acnl is being put on hold after tomorrow because majora's mask is coming out so i want to knock this out because i'm impatient. I will, have a nice night ~ talk to you tomorrow