Damn..okay i'll stop complaining. My neck is all puffy because of swimming when i was breathing i over reached or something and now it cramps up/gets really puffy all the time
no you don't!!
may i hassle you for a favour? i need a friend to hold eloise for me from a cycle thread.. i have a full town and i can't get her wweeep
She's not in boxes yet i'll let you know when she is. Esween is here now getting her stuff. I hope she'll be the next to go into boxes. My neck is killing me and i just want to sleep
Hey i don't feel good so i probably can't pick up today but i'm going to reset my second town once i get Aurora into boxes because i want to transfer her over, could you hold her for me?
Oops i just realized i forgot to get the card stuff last night. I can get it sometime tonight. I have to get Snake out for esweeeny first then i'm resetting my second town
My hubby says he doesn't know how to do that. =( He had to get me started on mine. Maybe I can google it? I thought you had to pay to be able to have an animated siggy?
I'd like to catalog some stationary. I have all music. I'll come in 2-3 minutes. I accidentally went to the wrong town, and remember I had stuff to pick up there.