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  • I'm glad you mentioned taking the beautiful town ordinance down for a bit. I hadn't gotten jl's in a while because my ground space was maxed out. I'm back to collecting...
    LOL. The one where I mentioned Rosie had been living in my cycle town and I hadn't noticed...
    I'm going to cycle for her. I planted perfect pears in my cycle town. Lmk if you want to come gather some.
    I'm facing a dilemma. I booted Coco because I could not fix the lost woods after plotting her there. I'm tempted to cycle for her though because she makes the perfect redead. It would be such a shame to not have her in Kakariko. If I decide to cycle for her I don't want to pull in Octavian yet because he's my octorok. (sigh) What would you do? I feel like I would end up cycling for her later anyway...
    Night! I'm going to scare all possible lurkers from your thread while you're gone!
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