AlienLiaru - Order ready
Alpine set
bed 2400
chair 2000
closet 2380
dresser 2200
kitchen cart 1960
lamp 2000
low table 2000
panel 1800
rug 1400
shelf 2100
sofa 2360
wallpaper 1320
Large alpine table 2400 = 26,320 + fee = 30,000
Cabin set
armchair 2280
bed 2400
bookcase 2300
chair 1700
clock 2000
couch 2480
dresser 2160
low table 2100
rug 1540
table 2100
wallpaper 1200
wall clock 1800
wardrobe 2480 = 26,540 + fee = 30,000
Modern Wood set
bed 1680
chair 1200
chest 1480
clock 1400
closet 1600
flooring 1480
lamp 1680
shelf 1840
sofa 1600
stool 1480
table 1980
tv 1800
wallpaper 1480
dessert case 3200 = 23,900 + fee = 30,000
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