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  • :( What a pain... Make sure if you had any bills on autopay with that card you change them (lesson learned the hard way here!)
    I understand! And agree lol. Waking up early makes me feel so lazy.
    I guess just get a new phone if it doesn't work, but I'm trying to believe it will :)
    Saw on Jessica's message board you lost your debit. Did you check your pockets of the bottoms you were wearing last night? I ALWAYS forget to put my CC back in my wallet after I pump gas and freak out the next day when I think I've lost my card.
    I know right? Omg. But I've been up at like 11 am most mornings so that's not terrible I guess.

    I feel the same about my phone lol. Hopefully mine is retrievable though xD
    I will. Getting up at 9 to call them xD

    Ah /: Well at least you're pretty cool about it. I hope you canceled it right away?
    Thank you <333
    I haven't contacted the city yet, I'll try to do that first thing tomorrow morning. If they don't help I'm gonna try to get it out myself.
    Ahh man, how'd you lose it? D:
    Yes! <3
    Ahh Rudy is a cutie, so I understand why lol. Don't worry, if you love him enough you'll find a way to get him in your town!
    I'm alright, just a little bummed over this phone thing. I really hope I can get it back tomorrow. /:
    Thank youuu.
    Dang, I'm sorry! I'll look out for him in my TT town, but that sucks. ): I'm sure you'll get him eventually.
    Umm MARSHAL. Lol. Julian is alright. I guess Shep is fine too but yea there aren't many good smug villagers.
    Mhm. I only have Maple reserved and she's gonna be a tough cookie when it comes to moving time.
    I'm trading her for Poncho and TBH I don't even know if I want Poncho anymore D:< I wanted a jock personality to balance everyone out but I hate the jocks haha.
    Yeah I know what you mean, ha. Spent 3+ hours today trying to get Lucky out. I'm sorry if I'm whining, it's just been awhile >.<
    As for Purrl, you can have her if you really want her in your town. But if you don't really want her I might just trade/sell her, Lol.
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