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  • Indeed. For some reason, I took strangely longer to eat my dinner this evening but I am around now. :)
    Are you still open?
    Thank you so much for visiting!! *o*

    I decided to give each character 2 villagers/pokemon. Ava is def a difficult choice, I've debated on replacing her with Brofina or Ken but sadly none of the chickens really give a Blaziken feeling. I might consider swapping the last two that don't belong to any of the characters. ;v; Thank you for the visit again, I appreciate the kind words!
    Ok, so I visited your town, I like your pathwork, and the jewel looking qrs. I really like your nintendo (the room on the left, I think) and chess rooms, very unique. :)
    Thanks :) It's been a while since I last updated, so it's kind of a mess.
    That's my favorite room, I call it my conservatory, my town of Chapman will have an entire house like that.
    I'm checking out yours now. :) Just out of curiosity, how did you find my town? My da's not on my sig anymore.
    Hello! It is nearing midnight here and I'm not sure how much longer I can stay up to wait for you to come online. Shall we reschedule? Are you available tomorrow?
    Ah! It would appear that I was mistaken: I only have the king and not the queen. I am sorry about that. Is 1 TBT okay?
    Oh darn! We missed each other! I will be online tonight at 11:30PM EST if you want me to drop it off then? Can I have 2TBT as payment?
    Just checking up about your order. Please VM when you are available to pick it up, it's been a few days...
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