poqu Feb 28, 2020 Hi! I'll be free from now for probably the next 5 hours! I'm also free almost all day tomorrow -- after 2pm est Let me know when you'd be free!
Hi! I'll be free from now for probably the next 5 hours! I'm also free almost all day tomorrow -- after 2pm est Let me know when you'd be free!
michealsmells Feb 28, 2020 Okay I have to leave the house in around half an hour so let's put a pin in this until we can get to it later. So sorry about that.
Okay I have to leave the house in around half an hour so let's put a pin in this until we can get to it later. So sorry about that.
michealsmells Feb 28, 2020 I'll still be here!! Just VM when ready and I'll set up the link code and stuff.
michealsmells Feb 28, 2020 I was not, but I am NOW!! If you're still up, of course. Timezones are fun \o/
michealsmells Feb 28, 2020 I'm available to battle now! It's the middle of the morning and I cant sleep. If ya reply I can totally turn on my game and fight.
I'm available to battle now! It's the middle of the morning and I cant sleep. If ya reply I can totally turn on my game and fight.
Raayzx Feb 23, 2020 Was about to dynamax my penguin but the game will be broken as always it was a fun match tho! lots of mindgames
Was about to dynamax my penguin but the game will be broken as always it was a fun match tho! lots of mindgames
idiotdoomspiral Feb 23, 2020 OMG I ALMOST GOT SWEEPED LOL, i thought it was 6v6 though, do u want to rematch?