R R Rosie :) Jun 21, 2015 if the gates don't open with the 3ds im using, i'll switch out the game cart and use my other friend code, is that ok?
if the gates don't open with the 3ds im using, i'll switch out the game cart and use my other friend code, is that ok?
Kiki Kitty Jun 19, 2015 Sorry, I got an error code as I was not close enough to the Wi-Fi. Can we try again?
Kiki Kitty Jun 19, 2015 Aww, thank you, that was kind of you to buy me her furniture! Would you like payment for them?
Miily Jun 19, 2015 i have some hydrangeas on sale 20 if you need, i'm selling for 3 tbt each or 2 per 5 tbt, thank you
Sona Jun 19, 2015 Alrighty! I will add your FC shortly! Let me know when you want me to open my gates c:
Sona Jun 19, 2015 Sorry if it seems like I kept leaving o; I'm free whenever! I'm just on invisible atm >o< Thank you again for getting the ballet slippers though! ; v ;
Sorry if it seems like I kept leaving o; I'm free whenever! I'm just on invisible atm >o< Thank you again for getting the ballet slippers though! ; v ;