00ToxicLove00 Sep 18, 2016 Oh no worries, take your time! I may be able to get more than one if you need more let me know. Hmmm, would 10 TBT be too much?
Oh no worries, take your time! I may be able to get more than one if you need more let me know. Hmmm, would 10 TBT be too much?
DerwinLV Nov 26, 2015 Are you still interested in the Gracie clothes? http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?336172-Gracie-clothes
Are you still interested in the Gracie clothes? http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?336172-Gracie-clothes
DrJawsh Nov 8, 2015 I have all your gracie items but the matador jacket and pants! 60TBT total! Sorry about that. VM me when you're ready to pick up.
I have all your gracie items but the matador jacket and pants! 60TBT total! Sorry about that. VM me when you're ready to pick up.
DrJawsh Nov 7, 2015 I happen to have all your gracie items! Please VM me when you're ready to pick up. 64TBT total!
glow Nov 1, 2015 thanks for the trade! idk if you saw my "hey" cause you were comin outta the train haha :3