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  • No prob! There are a few people in front of you, but it shouldn't be more than 15-20 minutes before I get to you! ^-^
    I agree but with the new update, people might not rely on cylers since they can use the new amiibo feature (´∀`)
    It will take loads of time though but i think i'll manage too :)

    I did notice actually! How exactly do you earn 'Meow tickets'? I was speeding through the dialogue and must have missed it, lol.
    Yeah, the same thing happened to me. I think the update might have messed it up :c I guess we have to put down cycling until someone finds another way to do it, sigh. ;;
    Mmmmm... Yummy pumpkin pies.... nomnomnom... I need to make some pumpkin soup and pumpkin pancakes for myself before they disappear! ^-^

    Sounds good! I will VM again when I am online tonight! ^-^
    Haha no problem! Oooo... What kind of pies!? :3

    I will be back on again tonight from 7-11PM EST, so just let me know if that won't work and I will find another time to trade! ^-^
    Hi! I am online for the next 4 hours or so. Let me know when you are available for delivery! ^-^
    Oops I saw the time that the other villager was moving wrong and I'm able to take Melba now. Tell me when you are available? :)
    I'm actually picking up another dreamie and it might take a while to plot reset ;~;
    If you are willing to hold her like overnight or something that would be amazing but no worries if you want to continue cycling!
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