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  • Hello! I'm ready now :3 You can come to my town to pick up :3 once you enter, follow me to your batch of flowers and just plonk the bells on the floor anywhere :3 I'll add you now
    Well, actually Hun we just had another huge dump of snow and it is still snowing lightly but supposed to turn to rain this afternoon ... my weather app shows clouds with lightening coming out!! What's up with that!!? Lol
    And you are welcome ❤
    This is the last day I have to complete pending trades. I just sent you tbt in case we can't trade today(12tbt for the delay and 25tbt because you paid me 75 for the first 75). I'm about to disconnect for a few weeks.
    Sorry for the delay. You don't have to pay me the other half. I just sent you 7tbt(all I had) and a few collectibles. I'll try to finish the trade as soon as possible
    yes sure no probs. someones in my town atm. ill add u after she's done and let u know when my gates r open
    It looks like I trampled one of the pink tulips when I was running back and forth to put them all in my locker so just pay 80tbt I am SO sorry. When I grow more I can bring them to you ;o;

    Also IDK what "afk" means lol So out of the loop
    Hi I have your entire order ready and organized so I can (hopefully) get it all to you by 1pm. You open?
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