• LIVE A gaming event as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 is currently being livestreamed on TBT's Twitch channel here -- spectators who chat on Discord can earn points too!

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  • I just recently updated my list. I think I have all of the card you have offered :(Sorry
    sorry, she was adopted! i have a habit of forgetting to change my thread's name lmao ;-;
    Oh, it's ok! I'll most likely get some tomorrow so I'll def update you then, but there's no pressure at all to trade if you don't like any of them!
    Are you talking about the amiibo card? If so then yes:) I would be happy to trade mine with yours. Do you have any other cards you want to trade?
    Hi there! I have to get off sadly. I won't be able to go for tonight at least. I'm so sorry :( it's ok if you don't want to call him up again tomorrow. Thanks again for offering though ^^
    my messages aren't showing up for some reason on the thread >.< but i'm ready for the items whenever you are :)
    Gah I'm so sorry I brought pink hydrengeas instead of hollys orz You can open your gates first I gotta swap out the starts real quick :O
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