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  • Sure, can we do yours because my train statin is a mess and it would make things difficult
    Hi, I have your screen, I'll check out your catalog in a bit because the link isn't working
    i can do weekends i guess. I'm literally 12 hours different from your time zone, i wont be awake from 3.30am to 8am :') weekends then!
    I just took a look at the thread and left a comment there. But, I can tell you here as well, everything looks good. :)
    Unfortunately that link didn't work for me, so I was unable to see the drawing. :( Maybe you can post the drawing to your thread and I can check it there?
    it will be your town and its really no problem just have to get the other fossil from my other town which is why it is taking it a bit longer. And I am good thank you for caring to ask. Have been thinking about reopening my mega warehouse store but not sure yet, not near my full strength but if there is just anyway I can help out people such as yourself here and there then that I can do. hang tight for just 10 more min and I will be on my way.
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