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  • hey uhh..are you still trying to get all those things on your wishlist? cause i posted like last week i think with a few things i had for you?
    added you and gates are open :)
    btw everything that is in the funky rectangle is your stuff everything that is around it is just my random junk ;)
    ohhh that makes sense, i still have your order, let me just trade with someone really quick and then I will open my gates :)
    I'm online after being on vacation again, and I know we were supposed to trade but I feel bad that I poofed for so long, so I'm sending you some bells just because. Have a good day!
    Could you please tell me when you could pick up everything cause your order kinda took over the front of my train station...
    I wil be avaliable today 9am-3pm est, but I will probably not be on friday, saturday, and sunday (and posibly monday)
    Hey! I'm not sure if you saw my post about my order but I was wondering if it was still possible? If yes then I'll be available tomorrow until 3pm!
    I am for sure always available 9 am - 3 pm est, other times that I will be on will most likely be random
    okay, I'll collect those right now and meet at your place! I commented my wishlist because your original post said to do exactly that. :p
    I thought you had a wishlist. Which unorderables did you want me to order in exchange for those six items?
    alright! but we'll have to set up a time to trade, since it will take 2-3 days to arrive. i've ordered a lot of stuff and am backed up, haha.
    okay! i'll choose six things from your list. does it matter what?
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