chapstick Jun 21, 2016 Oh yeah sorry sure i think i have you added I'll check and open my gates and send tbt
T T taelephant Jun 21, 2016 Hello! Sorry for the late reply, but I would like to order the horoscope set let me know when you'll be on
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, but I would like to order the horoscope set let me know when you'll be on
T T Tiny Kitten Jun 15, 2016 Hey just so you know that Gracie set your bidding on? only costs 1.58mill your way over that now, like the money your spending you could use to upgrade your store and get the set the old fashion way.
Hey just so you know that Gracie set your bidding on? only costs 1.58mill your way over that now, like the money your spending you could use to upgrade your store and get the set the old fashion way.
chapstick Jun 15, 2016 I see you are not online, so I will be available until around 4:30 PM EST and back at 7:30
korumi Jun 15, 2016 those were the good ol' days, i miss them D: i probably have, the name sounded familiar!
korumi Jun 15, 2016 LMAO oh my god that's so cute haha xD tell him i'm sorry if i made him disconnect bc i flicked the wifi switch
LMAO oh my god that's so cute haha xD tell him i'm sorry if i made him disconnect bc i flicked the wifi switch
korumi Jun 15, 2016 there's someone with the same town name as you with the name Abram and I accidentally went to their town LOL on my way now!
there's someone with the same town name as you with the name Abram and I accidentally went to their town LOL on my way now!