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  • Right, you should have been paid. Think I have to add your friend code too, that would help. Then are we ready to go?
    We're about half way through the update, also you better remind me how to send TBT.
    Hello! So I just finished visiting your DA town, and you paths are super gorgeous!! I love how you have some areas that use clovers as paths as little shortcuts; it's super aesthetically pleasing and fun! I also really love all of you houses, and I can't wait to see them when they're completed! ^^

    I went ahead and posted this on the thread that I made as well, but I just wanted to also post it here in case you aren't able o see it! ^^ Feel free to visit my DA town if you want!
    that's okay, I'll take the items for 45 ^^ I don't need hybrids but thanks anyway ♥
    I'll add you and open Yurei in a second!
    Ok, sometime between 8-10 pm should be fine. I was just checking the timezone to see the difference, so around 8-10 would be fine. I'll message you when I'm ready
    ok,sorry its taking so long I am trying to empty out my stuff as much as possible so that I dont have to take as many trips to your town
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