jopony Jun 17, 2016 I have to pick up something from another town, I'll open them in around 5 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience!! >_<"
I have to pick up something from another town, I'll open them in around 5 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience!! >_<"
Agiledog Apr 21, 2016 I can help you with your list for a price. Want me to work up the price now for ya and post here or in your topic?
I can help you with your list for a price. Want me to work up the price now for ya and post here or in your topic?
W W worldofdrakan Apr 3, 2016 You got Shampoodle open in your town? If so, do you mind me getting my hair done, too?
W W worldofdrakan Apr 3, 2016 It's okay, I got unexpectedly pulled away from my computer as well. I should be able to come over now.
It's okay, I got unexpectedly pulled away from my computer as well. I should be able to come over now.
J J Jeonggwa Apr 2, 2016 Yes because someone came and that person was not you, had to get them out lol Sorry I'm opening now