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  • Hi c: i would love to trade but that would be 1-3am at my timezone and i can only be up that late on the weekend. do you have time on friday? c:
    Cool! I'm just getting home from classes, I have homework to do but hopefully I can bring you the bush starts tonight c:
    Please let me know when I can bring over the bush starts for the gifts c:
    Is there a limit?
    Looks like you went offline.. Your gates were only open for a few minutes, I was just turning on my 3DS when you sent that last PM .-.

    But if you're sure you don't want the bells that's okay. Thanks anyways for participating in the raffle and congrats on winning! ~
    Yeah, I missed you again. Tell ya what, I'll give it to ya for free whenever we do finally get to trade. I hate missing appointments and feel really about it, so it's the least I could do. I've gotta go now, cause something unexpected turned up.
    Sorry bout that. Christmas is always a busy time for me since Ive got a gigantic family, lol. I'll be on until 3 CST today if you can come pick it up anytime then. :)
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