Reindeer Jun 2, 2014 Hello, I'm not sure if you saw but your order's available for pick-up. Let me know when you're available!
Hello, I'm not sure if you saw but your order's available for pick-up. Let me know when you're available!
P P polliboo Mar 16, 2014 I'd love that please, would you like to come to mine oR should I come to yours?
pocky Mar 12, 2014 are you still there? >__< sorry, something came up irl Im able to do it right now unless you're heading to bed
are you still there? >__< sorry, something came up irl Im able to do it right now unless you're heading to bed
pocky Mar 12, 2014 just need to finish up a villager trade and I'll head there. will message you as soon as I am done with it
just need to finish up a villager trade and I'll head there. will message you as soon as I am done with it
pocky Mar 12, 2014 thats an hour from now, right? I might or might not be back by then. I'm going shopping so it all depends on how long it takes me to buy everything I need. At what time do you head to bed?
thats an hour from now, right? I might or might not be back by then. I'm going shopping so it all depends on how long it takes me to buy everything I need. At what time do you head to bed?
pocky Mar 12, 2014 I'll be available probably like... 7pm-1am EST, but before 7pm I might or might not be online, depends on what my day goes like
I'll be available probably like... 7pm-1am EST, but before 7pm I might or might not be online, depends on what my day goes like
th8827 Mar 9, 2014 Sorry for just showing up suddenly (I know that most people don't like that). I was just having a really hard time coordinating a trade time with you. I saw an opportunity, and I took it. I hope that I was not too annoying.
Sorry for just showing up suddenly (I know that most people don't like that). I was just having a really hard time coordinating a trade time with you. I saw an opportunity, and I took it. I hope that I was not too annoying.