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  • Hello, I'm not sure if you saw but your order's available for pick-up. Let me know when you're available!
    are you still there? >__< sorry, something came up irl Im able to do it right now unless you're heading to bed
    just need to finish up a villager trade and I'll head there. will message you as soon as I am done with it
    thats an hour from now, right? I might or might not be back by then. I'm going shopping so it all depends on how long it takes me to buy everything I need. At what time do you head to bed?
    I'll be available probably like... 7pm-1am EST, but before 7pm I might or might not be online, depends on what my day goes like :)
    Sorry for just showing up suddenly (I know that most people don't like that).

    I was just having a really hard time coordinating a trade time with you. I saw an opportunity, and I took it. I hope that I was not too annoying.
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