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  • Well, it's not that I go out of my way to discriminate meat eaters. In fact, a majority of the people I admire eat meat. It's just that I don't see the logic with modern meat eaters. You see, we live in a world where one can live on a vegan diet. Is it natural? Is it the way humans are meant to eat? Well, that's debatable, but I think that while there is an opportunity to live as a vegan, it is completely unnecessary to harm any living creatures.

    I've seen a lot of really messed up things. I've seen some extremely cruel practices, and one of the most irritating things is that a majority of consumers are unaware of what these animals go through. I just think it's cruel and the fact it's unnecessary makes it even more cruel in my eyes. I don't have anything against meat eaters as people. I'm against what they're supporting by consuming it. They've got to want to change. Forcing them wouldn't do any good.
    Thanks. I should really get back to drawing like that. I missed it. But it takes me hours with a mouse.
    Are you okay Apple? .-. You kind of snapped at me in the Future thread. :) I wasn't trying to force any opinion on you. I apologize for the misunderstanding! ^-^
    Hello, I'm Ai, Vizionari's sister. I heard you were looking for art?

    Sample of what I do:

    Keep in mind that I'm about 5 times busier than my younger sister and this week and next I am swarmed with job interviews and midterms, so I may take a while to respond. Feel free to look for other artists if that is what you fancy.
    Ok, I'll try. : ) Just keep in mind I might take awhile, life's gotten a lot busier and stressful lately.
    I do draw, but I've never commissioned anyone before. Plus I'm more of a traditional artist, haven't had much experience with digital art before. But I could try a traditional art piece if you'd like.

    And if you do ever see a digital art piece that's apparently posted by me, that's probably my sister, heh.
    I like both of those...esp. The Nutcracker ballet. I've only seen it once, but it was pretty magical.

    I can see why you get the feeling of those pieces of music from my avatar...it makes me feel the same awe, wonder, and carefree joy. :D
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