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  • I have no idea. I just hope none of these people have turned others away from joining the forums, and I really hope they don't cause more people to leave. There are rules on here for a reason, but some people are under the impression they don't apply to them.
    Aw, it's just that my signature isn't accurate anymore, I haven't played in a while so I don't know who's there D: </3
    Oh, well I love the book too, and I've read it a few times, but I don't really know what war or time period it's supposed to be. I'm not very good with details like that, I kind of skip over things I don't care about and stick with the parts I like, in books and movies. lol I guess I'm a little lazy that way.

    As for the 80's, I didn't live in the US for most of it, I only know the last couple of years of it, and they were ok. What I know is really in retrospect from watching A LOT of TV. XD

    Some good music, and a few really good movies like The Breakfast Club, Teen Witch, and Dirty Dancing. IDK, I guess it was a fun decade. I'm more into the 90's cuz that's my teen years that really matter and things influenced me more. That's my opinion anyway. If you wanna know about the 90's... :)
    lol wha?

    The movie takes place around the time of WWI. I don't know what winters looked like in the 1800's...probably not much different from winter nowadays, I'd imagine. And as for how the 1980's were, I guess it depends on who you ask. :)
    Reasons why EA sucks-
    1. Acquiring companies and ruining them, making them shut down.
    2. Releasing the same game over and over with a fresh coat of paint.
    3. DRM. No more needs to be said.
    Those are the main reasons EA sucks. Not all, though. Unfortunately.
    It's from SimCity 2000. If you lowered transportation funding, asking for advice from the transportation advisor would give you the message "You can't cut back on funding! You will regret this!" The developer of the game, Maxis, was shut down by EA Wednesday. EA ruins everything.
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