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  • Erm... I dunno why you keep posting on my profile about Callaway's giveaway. They were rude because YOU were rude and I really don't think they care whether or not you forgive them, you're just some person on the internet they don't know.

    As for your statement about selling something you got for free from her giveaway, I REALLY don't care if you sell it, eat it, or keep it forever. It's just people, I included, don't think highly of those who sell something they received for free. But what's been said has been said, and what's been done, has been done, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing up this topic all over again on the forums.
    I've added them, and I just errored. I've gotta do something for a little bit, so can we try again in 20 or so minutes?
    Oh, just be warned that my town is a huge mess. You can just plant the roses wherever X3
    Sweet. My Instagram is all Bionicle, so you can follow me if you'd like. I'm currently entering a contest to win a solid gold mask worth $2k. I'm glad to see one too :]
    Don't see what is wrong with them? It's not against the rules to state an opinion (just keep in mind some users may be offended if they choose to read it).
    Are you referring to a specific paragraph/section? It's kind of long so if so tell me so I can just skip to that.
    Sorry for the late reply. I get out of school at around 1:57 tomorrow and Thursday, but I'm incredibly busy tomorrow evening. Perhaps Thursday we can do it?
    Roflmao I been trolled I thought I got in trouble oh look at candy! *steal waffles* (rans away)
    We're all just busy, a couple of our mods just got new jobs and I've been working a lot lately too. We're still around don't worry :)
    It's not forbidden, but it's not wise or funny and it will annoy people if you compare something as serious as racism to a silly aspect in a video game.
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