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  • Well if you post about anything political in the brewsters cafe part of the forum, it isn't as bad, but if you post it in like the Acnl forum where the whole corruption thread thing happened, then yeah you're bound to get reported for spam and whatnot.
    Politics isn't something I acively involve myself in :p my fiancé is the politics Guy lol
    Ahhhh ok, that makes sense. And nah, you won't get a bad rep from posting like that, what would get you a bad rep here is scamming, purposefully being controversial, or just fighting with everyone. And people would just avoid talking to you and stuff, they wouldn't burn you at the stake lol
    It's fine, apology accepted ^^ you should always take everything you read online with a grain of salt. Since you can't interpret someone's tone when posting online, your mind actually makes up its own tone of voice that you personally feel is attributed to the post, which is what leads to tons of arguments and such and such online. And I know you werent, which is why I explained why the dupe method is very low on the things that can corrupt a town, I didn't mean for you to think I was attacking you or making you out to be a liar / bad person. Just explaining is all.

    Not sure what that central place is but I've had my own bouts of online episodes back on a site I used to frequent lol
    I'm actually letting you know for future reference. That and also letting others know that duping has a very minimalist chance of corrupting their town. Not sure why you'd assume anything like that - that I'm trying to make you look bad because what exactly do I gain from making a stranger online look bad ? And I'm actually not giving you a negative reputation. If I was giving you a negative reputation I would've just given you a bad wifi rating, which would actually give you a Neg. Reputation. >_____<
    Now I get it XD

    Though I usually just don't find them funny because either they annoy me (Rare) or I just don't, but I have ZERO sense of humor.
    Actually the show it came from is (I'm not even joking) Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.
    Yeah, I was put in school early. They wanted to hold me back so I could "be with my peers" or whatever but I got to stay where I was even though I was the youngest in my graduating class. I was 17 while everyone else was 18 or 19 lol
    Very close, I actually graduated in 2010. I was in a grade above what I should have been :)
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