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  • Ok, give me about 10 minutes to find my other game card and the amiibo card, i'll let you know when i'm open
    Her name is Popura and she's from Working!! It's my favourite slice of life series. :D
    I tried a bit on my friend's but in general I don't like playing pokemon even though I own a game. never finished it myself...
    I like alolan apples! I wanted to ask why the underscore though instead of just a space in-between?
    Nah. It's too tough to be overly analytical of everything. Just kinda let stuff happen ya know. :)

    I was thinking about changing my avatar to something related to SM64. I have a lot of .gif files to work from but it's so hard to choose which one to use cause they're all great. Dx
    I preferred Apple2012, but you do you! I wouldn't want you to waste your bells by changing it back
    I had a guess so I went to your profile to check. I was right. :D Nice name change!
    ooo, well congrats on finally being able to get a username change! I'll miss seeing your old name, avatar and sig, but your new look looks good too
    what made you change, if I may ask? and you'll forever be known as apple here I think.
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