F F FireNinja1 Feb 13, 2015 Sweet. I need to run a quick connection test since my internet in my 3ds has been pretty bad lately.
F F FireNinja1 Feb 12, 2015 I'm currently unavailable to trade. How long do you think you'll be online?
http:// Feb 8, 2015 I'm buying bamboo shoots by the basket. (Of nine, that is.) so 500k for that. 500k for the round mushroom. So 1 mil. And then 500k each for the amethysts (12). So all together, that would be... 7 mil.
I'm buying bamboo shoots by the basket. (Of nine, that is.) so 500k for that. 500k for the round mushroom. So 1 mil. And then 500k each for the amethysts (12). So all together, that would be... 7 mil.
Saaaakisuchan Feb 7, 2015 I'm ready to come back now. I don't really need all those yellow roses... Do I have to take them?