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  • It's fine, I'll just open up Rock City now so you can collect Whitney. Please no bells or items for her. You don't have to follow me when you get here, feel free to grab Whitney on your own and let me know when she's been adopted so I can end.
    Ah, sorry about that! Going to clear it out now. If you can't get Kid Cat into boxes, don't worry about it, you can still have Whitney. :)
    sorry for the late answer.
    i am avaiable now. just tell me when you have time :D
    You're very welcome ^ U ^
    No, there isn't any villagers I'm looking for, but thank you ♡ Today I was notified by two users that my dreamies (Cookie and Tammy) were available to pick up :)

    Lol! Ikr xD Villagers can be so stubborn sometimes. It's always the villagers you don't want moving who pings about leaving town lol.
    Aww you're welcome, and don't worry! I've actually seen Whitney a lot lately. I'll check other sites to see if anyone is willing to give her for free :)

    Lol, it took a while but when she pinged I couldn't help but do a victory dance in my head xD and yes, I should be getting Tammy soon. Someone is currently holding her in boxes for me so I can pick her up later :) I'm just waiting for my friend to pick up Whitney so I'll have room for Tammy :)
    Hi~! :D I'm terribly sorry but I already promised her to someone else :c I actually got her to ping me to move lol. I'll keep my eye out for you though! I hope you'll be able to reunite with Whitney soon :)
    Darn, I have to go shovel the snow TTmTT *shakes fist at the sky* so I doubt I'd have time to kick out stubborn Whitney :c I swear I'm going to void that wolf when she decides to move. She's making me so frustrated :mad: You can send Tammy to the void or give her to someone else who wants her <3 Thank you for being so patient with me :)
    Lol! Sadly, so far I haven't any luck :'( but I'm gonna keep at it. I have a feeling that she's finally going to move :)
    Thank you so much, I'll try to move out my problematic Whitney asap!
    ..I'm really starting to hate that wolf xD
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