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  • ooooooo we shuld do tht some time
    but man i have to breed so many flowers zzz LOL
    ??????? island medal minigames
    ya that giving tree person the best u posted a vm above them on my prof LOL
    ooo we shuld pley minigames some time if u like pleyin them
    i like pleyin them with people c:
    its ok if u dun wun 2
    okookokisleep night ^________^y imsuperhappy from this giving tree person omg #sooohappy rn idontevenkno
    the hybrid one? yeah this one's making me dough i aint stoppin LOOOOOOL ;)
    aside from the costs i really like growing flowers E:
    LMFAO I QUIT AFTER ONE DAY HAHAHAHAHHAHA omg im dying killing myself here
    uhg i forgot i closed the thread and editted it and removed it :x
    but luckily i was editing it on a notepad and saved that :D
    i pmd u it
    i removed like 2000 characters though just list of items i had for sale cuz 5000 char is limit for PM, i had 7k LOL
    May I come back in a few minutes? x: I am like: OMG PRESENT. OMG FRIENDS. OMG FOREVERNOTALONE.
    omg do u wanna see my failed other shop lolol
    i like quit after a couple days cuz no one was buying but i keep forgetting the forums are so slow
    #impatient LOOOOOOL
    let me try to dig it up :V
    tbh i wouldnt be impressed :V ive seen others sell everything
    and at different prices >_< higher and lower :c
    i still think itsjust annoying to look at my thread xD my shops always end up like that super long and stuff with all these unnecessary details >______< but im trying to be speedy for people despite having a long thread to read, as well as adding in discounts that i feel people deserve if they buy in bulk :V idk man
    wow dandelion puffs or just dandelions man ima have to hunt my town lololol
    you should probably split your order up if you want discounts.. maybe... idk. :V theres a lot to read so people probably just do one order and quit and the order form is hella long muahahahuah LOL
    skinny&flat mushrooms ill do my best to find :V
    wow take your time but can u list me some flowers in advance so i can start prepping
    its ok if u cancel these later just a general idea and i can complete the order faster
    man people need to buy my expensive hybrids i need to make a living here :V
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