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  • Hey! Posted in your thread about the Cafe. If you saw my post, did you have any luck? This picture might be of some help:

    It details how many free tiles you will need around you. Just note you'll need an additional free spot if the river or plaza is near by.
    hey, i actually ended up resetting my town last night, so dont worry about holding all of my stuff now.
    how about i come to your town tomorrow? anytime from 3-5ish works for me. im in UTC-4 (new york time)
    hey there! im not sure how going to other peoples towns works yet, or how to share items. ill add your 3ds friend code. is there a way for me to mail you all of the items that i want held, or do you need to buy them all from my re-tail? thanks in advance! ill be grinding in my game and send you a ton of bells as thanks
    hey i saw your post about needing bells, since you ordered so much from my shop i can give you 5 million to help start up your town! =)
    Glad to see you're still on the forum every now and then. If you need help with villagers, you can always ask me. You're a serious fan of League of Legends huh, any other online games that you enjoy playing?
    Asuka! I still remember you : 3
    You always played League of Legends all the time xD
    Just checking up on you
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