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  • Hi! Peanut is in boxes in my cycling town! Please let me know when you're available to come get her :)
    I cried at the end :'(
    No but I wanted to xDD

    I just really like this character, he loves girls in glasses which relates to me : 3

    While you're here, do you need any villagers?
    Hi, sorry for the late reply! (thread here) If you'd like to reserve Peanut, please send in the 5 TBT and I'll add you to the list :)
    I'm sorry, she had some significant changes to her house as well as her shirt and catchphrase. :( If I happen to be able to change any of that, I'll let you know. :)
    I saw your post in the looking for thread. I have Mitzi, but she's not original. Would you still want her? :)
    Seeing that you're such an NGE fan, I thought you might enjoy this town tune-
    A-C-D-C D D D G F E D E-
    thx so much hun! been trying to surprise my husband with moose after he lost him a while ago! im using his 3ds haha <33
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