Alexander97 Apr 22, 2018 Hiya! Just checking to see if you are still interested in doing the trade. Let me know the time that works with you.
Hiya! Just checking to see if you are still interested in doing the trade. Let me know the time that works with you.
Alexander97 Apr 21, 2018 Hey if you are available now I can do the trade. Sorry for the delay, I have a little bit of a cold.
P P Phungxuanton Apr 19, 2018 Hello I’m from Vietnam, I added you on 3ds, my FC is 1822-5397-1639 . We can play ACNL together!
p3achfuzz Apr 7, 2018 Oh, I'll give them to you for free, I just meant that you need to add my friend code
Chicha Apr 6, 2018 Aww, you didn't need to send any bells! XD I'll gladly send you some back to help!
Elephantmarshmallow Apr 6, 2018 I’m ready anytime from now for then next few hours, does 2,000 igb or like 2tbt sound reasonable?
Elephantmarshmallow Apr 6, 2018 Hello, if you’re still interested in the umbrellas let me know and we can make arrangements for pick up/drop off!
Hello, if you’re still interested in the umbrellas let me know and we can make arrangements for pick up/drop off!