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  • Hey, I've added you onto my friend list. If you still need the items, let me know and I can drop them off, or you can come over.
    Happy New Year to you too!
    Let's hope this year is a good one. :)
    No, Andrew stole her from you. xD I haven't stolen any of yours unless you had Bangle. :eek:

    Well...stolen from you while playing in this new town that is...
    That's too bad. :c Mine have a habit of suggesting projects right after I start building one, so I can't see what they suggested until I pay off the latest project. xD
    No, it's considered to be a bench because there's two small chairs with it.

    Also, you keep replying to your own profile. xD
    Thanks for telling me! It's good that I didn't time travel yet... :) But, maybe that person time traveled to Spring to get the picnic area, and then went back to real time?
    Picnic area is a community project. Just saw one in a dream town during the winter.
    Mint, that's terrible... I'm so sorry. You are always welcome to visit my town for any help that you might need.
    I lost my town again. -_- I think something is wrong with the SD card, so I'm going to switch over to the SD card that originally came with the 3ds.
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