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  • sorry for the late reply! ill get your bells ready! ill vm you once i stored the bells in my locker :D
    Hey! I still have your items and my internet is working great for now so let me know when you can trade!
    117 tbt whenever you're able to send it :3 I have everything laid out on my beach so you can come pick it all up any time
    lol as soon as you said it! Phoebe went into boxes! 5 mil bells or 150 TBT since she is tier 2... you technically have 15 minutes before I accept the first person who can pick her up
    Hey! As soon as you send the TBT I'll open my gates for Shep, I'll be unavailable to trade in a few mins and won't be back for a few hours so I'd like to do this now if possible. ^_^
    I hope you're still online! Everything's ready for me to come drop off!
    I found the exquisite wall but not the floor, sorry :c
    117 tbt, please~
    Alright on my way! BTW I just got a second tweeter from streetpass. Would you like one?
    If for some reason, some aren't clovers let me know. I don't think I got them mixed up but if I did message me and I'll fix it
    Sure thing! I'll add you in the mean time, and I'll be available about all day, so message me whenever!
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