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  • That's interesting! Good luck with your plans c:

    Oh I wanna become a doctor. I'm in pre med courses right now ;-;
    Yeah, indeed xD I'm actually pretty scared because entrance exams. College is a long ways off for you though! What do you wanna do in life when you become older? C:
    Haha thanks! It's Yu from Persona 4, I love the character. And that's nice to hear! I'm doing alright tok, just been pretty tired lately with school and whatnot :p
    Hi! Saw you on a couple threads and you seemed pretty cool c: so I thought I'd say hi!

    How's it going ^^
    Oh! Thanks! I'll leave it....for a while ^.^
    I'll have too go now, bye! Maybe tomorrow? Oh and....what time is it no for you?
    Hey, do you mind if I drop off? The other person went offline, and all his stuff is still in my train station.
    I joined in 2013, but I haven't been on for a while until a few weeks ago.

    I DID have to
    Also, since you gave me a gift, would you like a free giant clam music box, ;) If you don't have any KK Slider songs I can let you choose one of mine c:
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