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  • Awesome! :D I'll tell you when he's moving out, then ^.^ I'm currently speed-cycling now anyway, so it's possible he might be in boxes later. :3
    Hi, do you still need Biskit? He's in my cycling town and you can have him for free if you want him. c: I think he's pretty unoriginal though >.<
    Probably.. cause there are very few turts left as is. I can see the need for concern. I totally understand.
    Alright. I'll let you know when he's moving. I also have an art shop if you want some art!
    I am still trying to get him to move out for you. Please pay so that I know he is reserved. Thanks~
    I believe I still have Bree. I can give her to you when she pings to move out, because I wanted Roscoe and Mac to stay with Rod. Everyone else can leave. xD

    So when Bree pings to leave, I'll let you know, okay? I'm not playing ACNL, but I'll keep you in mind!
    Are you looking for Bree? Or is that not your dreamie? I iz confuzzled. D:
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