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  • chees4mees - Order ready
    minimalist set
    bed 1000
    chair 2000
    clock 3500
    dresser 2500
    lamp 1000
    minitable 2500
    ottoman 1500
    sofa 1500
    table 2000
    vanity 3000
    wardrobe 3000
    neutral floor 1200
    neutral wallpaper 1200 = 25,900
    pastel dot wall 1480
    ranch flooring 1750 = 29,130 + fee = 30,000 (15)
    Open your gate please.
    Just letting you know I've added you back and I'm going to open my gate tonight at 9pm EST. you should drop by:)
    well, it's this sunday so just from 10 am to 9 pm GMT-1
    i don't know your timezone though :/
    hey, if you want jeremiah you can have him:)
    just to be sure would you like to pay something for him or not?
    chees4mees - Order ready
    hi fi stereo 5400 + fee = 10,000
    Open your gate for delivery please.
    Oh, okay! You still may come over if you'd like, I have a bunch of gifts wrapped outside my trainstation I need to get rid of.
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