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  • I see you lurking on my thread for Jeremiah. I have ignored it because you are missing something from my OP.
    Sheer coincidence, I saw a 'Bassy' had left feedback for someone who I'd just hosted and left feedback for today, and knew it had to be you. ;)
    Confirmed when I saw MAYOR OF JAWAII! Speaking of, is it open for visitors yet? Or still being perfected? :p
    Sorry for the sudden boot, still a fair bit missing but nothing I can't replace. :)
    Calling a night now anyway, gone stiff from sitting and playing too long lmao.

    Oh yeah can totally imagine, it's the camera control which is just so awkward without that extra circle pad. ;__;
    Hope they put MH4 on the Wii U sometime with multiplayer though, can imagine the multiplayer is ace. Could multiplay the demo with ya if I pick up a New 3DS next month?
    Not on the 3DS, no. Have MH3U and tried this MH4 demo, but I really hate the way it handles and never got used to it even after playing loads. Might be better with the circle pad, but I'd muuuch rather play it on the Wii U. :B
    Guessing you're a fan? ;)
    Just saw I missed a message from you, sorry! Was triple wielding (here on phone and two 3DS) and didn't see. ;___;
    Hello you lovely, lovely customer. Your inbox is full, so here I am!
    I have two versions for you. One with literally just the bg changed,
    and one where I moved the villagers to be in clean rows. c:

    I have Caroline in boxes right now, if you want her! I hate to void her. She is real cute!
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