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  • I decided to tweak it a bit so it’d make a bit more sense because Lucky obviously has won. Also a couple of grammar tweaks but you know I’m ridiculously picky about that.

    If you stay up late trying to snag this collectible, are you up all night to get Lucky?
    Can I send you my Lucky collectible when I buy one so you can make that genius comment you made yesterday the message? I’m still laughing at it lmao.
    Oh yes. Very cute. Until you catch them trying to sneak off with your expensive jewelry and the reason they give is "But it's pretty and I want it"
    Haha oh wow that song was actually playing on my Spotify when I clicked that link. It's honestly so inspirational and I'm the reason it's my twin little sisters' second favorite song (first favorite is Let It Go, what a surprise). :p

    And yes, I never understood the point of being a jerk to people for no reason. I try very hard to be nice to everyone, but I can only take so much abuse. :/
    Thanks hun, ily. LaBelleFleur just PMed me basically saying the same thing. She’s real sweet, so it’s a shame I’ve never interacted with her before now.
    Um I got pissed off at a certain user who’s been annoying me for awhile and I made a comment I shouldn’t have in one of the polling threads. I deleted it but the user replied with quote to it before I did so yeah. Don’t be surprised if I’m banned by tomorrow.
    Listen. If I get banned for awhile could you possibly buy an extra of the new collectible and let me pay you back when I’m not banned? Thanks boo.
    Yeah I dunno, I couldn’t decide what to do for my collectible lineup. My hot feather is one of my favorite collectibles so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it the spotlight for a bit.
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