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  • I get what ya mean. I finally decided that I was going for a themed town this time around, and went with Great Gatsby since I had just watched the movie. Its going to be work in progress but hopefully keeps me away from that reset button cx
    I think that's the best part of it. You can reset and start all over again. I just got over a AC drought after school ended and reset my town, and now I feel like a total noob again, I have to look up things and ask questions :blush:
    Thats the same way I am with my game. I'm currently on my forth or fifth town now. I honestly don't think I'd play if I couldn't TT... I'm so impatient lol :rolleyes: I kind of go on and off with it, Ill play it for a while then stop for a few months.
    Yeah, I have no idea why, but all of my Syrian hamsters have been skiddish, a part from my last one. I find that dwarf hamsters are more chilled out and like to relax. They make cool pets to watch if you're a night owl (like me)
    I really wish I could, but my mom loves barging in my room, then again if I had a pair maybe they would scare her out haha >: ) I have a hamster right now, shes not really that bad, just verrrryyyy skiddish x.x
    Unfortunately not, my mom despises rodents with tails :/ I have played with my friends, and they are super cute, almost like dogs. If only I could convince her... The best I can do now is a hamster :p
    Not really, since you've already done my mayor! It's okay if it looks nothing like us, I'm sure I would love it no matter what! ^-^
    Perfect! I'll add you and we can do the trade in your town. Just set as many items as you have flowers to sell up for sale in retail for 500K each; I'll come over and buy em <3
    Hiya! Would you be willing to accept 500K per jacob's ladder? :) You could put items up in retail for 500K each and I'd come buy them. Let me know.
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