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  • Hi there~ I'm only now browsing through some of the submitted event entries, so I just saw that you already submitted the passport you were working on earlier in the week! Nice work, and hopefully it wasn't too painful figuring everything out! :'D

    I like the use of our crew's color, and "Literal Dreamworld" made me crack up. Also, I'd 100% go to Jack's Jittery Jaunts. Halloween is easily my favorite holiday season.
    Bestie Betsy! Oh what shall I do without my mayor's guidance, and while in space no less! Wishing you the absolute best of luck this camp season 🌠
    ... Actually, nevermind, 2nd best of luck cuz I've gotta save some for my crew :p
    Hey guess what!? You're getting a profile visit. Just to check in and say how's it going? I'm still plodding away on my puzzle but it is making my head spin. And I know we are in space but 🙃
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    I think I hit the cooldown time so I'll be taking a lunch break....
    Yeah actually I didn't gain anything darn it. I don't even feel like I've been that active. So it definitely keeps you guessing!
    Hi!! Thank you so much for the congratulations! 😁
    Congrats to you too!!! I loved your story- it was hilarious and I had a great time reading it! I'm so happy to see it place 🥳
    Congrats on your Heart of the Forest and Enchanted Bloom wins! I was so happy to see you win a place for your story (and I'm also still amazed by your Mysteries of the Monolith win 😂)! 🥳🌟💖
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    Thank you! And congrats to you, too on the enchanted elixir! Tbh, I got really lucky on the mirrors....I don't usually do well on those, lol.
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    Lol! My apologies on how long that was. So thank you for the like😂😂😂
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    Reactions: BetsySundrop
    It was good! I don't notice how long when I get into the story, lol. I love that you included Luna, and the descriptions were all done really well. I'd like to read all of the stories. I think I just have a few more to go....
    Lol good luck! I’ll prob go through the rest of the not nominated stories tomorrow. Still finishing up Going through all the events today.
    Your line up is 🔥💗💗💗
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    Reactions: BetsySundrop
    Tysm! A tough choice with the fair collectibles, get the crystals or the butterfly wand, etc. Glad I chose the crystals, but wish I could get them all.
    RIGHT?!?! Omg soooooo many this year made it impossible to choose!!!! I feel like I auctioned off my first child to get everything I needed so I can buy my top line which I haven’t even bought yet lol!!!!
    Congrats on your Hero's Crossing nomination! I just finished reading your story last night and I really enjoyed it. One of the things I loved was the dialogue, especially between Evie and Matthew. It may sound like a small detail, but I've always struggled with dialogue myself so I really appreciate how natural your characters sound. Best of luck in the voting! 🐉🥧
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    Reactions: BetsySundrop
    Tysm! I have a hard time with writing in general, so was a surprise to be nominated. Tried to make it fun, lol. I think I'm about half way through all of the stories in the event. So many good ones.
    I still have so many left to read. I'll get caught up one day. LOL
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