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  • Bianca is my set here yet? It's been forever and I already paid ������
    You can message me, it's fine. You just can't post in the game thread anymore.
    Hi, can I please rent some clothes for a Gracie check? I need a ''historical'' look by the end of the day. Thanks! Willing to pay the 10 TBT ^^
    gracies would be informed of who their allies are and share a chat, nothing more. So they don't know the roles town has, for example. They're generally called the informed minority because they know who eachother are as opposed to town who has no idea who their allies are.

    Other than that, yeah! You'd likely have to give some other abilities to some of the other ables to give the game some variety, like a Doctor who can stop kills, Cop who can check someone's alignment, ect.
    Survivor's 3rd party, which means they have their own win condition. To rattle off a few examples:

    Serial Killers get one kill per night and want to be the last person standing
    Jesters want to be killed via lynch
    Amnesiacs choose the role of someone who's dead and they become their role
    Survivors (like Labelle) just want to live to the end. Theyre also typically given protection from one shot.

    So Labelle would be neither mafia or town! And mafia shouldnt be informed as to who she is because that gives them an edge (they'll leave her alive bc she can side w/ them in the end).
    As for Labelle, if you planned on doing it where she literally chooses her alignment everyday, then there's a few questions that get raised there:
    1) How is this going to affect KP? Generally in mafia on here, the amount of kills mafia can use per night is current mafia/2, rounded up. So say there's 2 mafia left and Labelle decides to join the Gracies that day. Would mafia have 2 kills or one kill? The only workaround I can think of is giving mafia a fixed KP (probably 1) the entire game, but that would definitely have to be accounted for in balancing the game.
    2) Wouldn't Labelle just side with town until mafia is close to majority and then side with them? Seems like its a really easy mechanic for Labelle to game.
    3) Due to the possibility that Labelle could be mafian, I could see people autolynching her even if she is town that day.

    If you make her a Survivor though, then she's her own party, actually! She can win with anyone, she just has to be alive at the end.
    rip getting back to people is effort (lazy af boi i am)

    @Mable/Sable yeah they prob aren't best to chat w/ eachother if theyre gonna have lynch control if there's a tie. If one of them were put up to the stand, I'd imagine they'd simply claim their role though and unless mafia is close to winning, they could just be autoconfirmed (but then they have their death awaiting them unless theres a doc who'd definitely be on the outted sister). It's an interesting dynamic.
    Hey, just checking to see if you would still like the Rococo set. If so, please let me know when your gate is open so I can deliver :)
    But in order for this to work, you'd have to have the people with Able's and Sable's role PM you privately telling you which they'd prefer to lynch, and that can get hectic due to timezones (what if neither are on when day ends? The game would have to be postponed until the correct one came on).

    As for your question, if mafia knew who Able and Sable were and knew that killing one kills the other, they would for sure go for them, since they essentially get an extra kill that night. If you only wanted to make the suicide clause a thing if one was lynched rather than night killed, that could work, but then Able or Sable could claim and confirm themselves by swaying the lynch in a particular way (town would likely set this up so that Able/Sable could be confirmed).

    If you gave them the ability to confirm themselves via town setting up a lynch, I would definitely have mafia be able to kill them at night (otherwise those two could break the game in town's favor).
    The whole Able/Sable dynamic reminds me a lot of another role (don't think its been used on TBT actually!) called the Lovers. They share a chat and if one dies, the other does too. So perhaps you could give the two a chat? Of course the flavor title for the role would have to be something other than Lovers lol, but the concept sounds the same.

    What'd you mean by "In case of a tie, one of the sisters will be asked to break a tie. Able and Sable will alternate the decision." though? Like if there's a tie in the lynch? If you're worried about having to break a tie in a lynch, we typically do it by whoever reached their current amount of votes faster. You'd have to have the people with Able's and Sable's role PM you privately telling you which they'd prefer to lynch, and that can get hectic due to timezones (what if neither are on when day ends? The game would have to be postponed until the correct one came on).
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