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  • I think I'll stick with six - I don't have the money or energy to get 12 :p I'm so happy with six though!!

    wasn't too much trouble for me, since all i had to do was inspect element and swap the pastel disco egg image url with your spring sakura's, then screencap and crop before uploading (which was why I posted without the screencap first, so I could use my displayed pastel egg to grab its image location url)

    do find it a tad funny how you got double help basically right away, but hey. nothing bad about that lol
    thank you so much for all the cakes! not sure if you meant to give it to me but i appreciate them nonetheless <3
    Hey Bianca, I'm having a good day and I hope you are too :) Thanks again for the happy ditto egg - I love it so much I made a cute little lineup with it!
    Oh yes, a nomination would be such a nice surprise right? I would love that too so I might get another Dreamy Egg or a Nightmare Egg! :)
    Thank you!!

    I got the Dreamy Egg which was really fun as I was hunting against the clock during the 2nd restock!
    Now I have to wait for the entry prizes of the decorating contest to be handed out, I'll be buying a Pastel Disco Egg with the remainder of my Eggs I think :)

    And you?
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