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  • Thanks for being the last person I’ll ever play New Leaf with. It was an honor 🎈
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    Reactions: -Blue-
    Never thought about it that way, but it is true. Bittersweet. I haven't done the tours in ages, thanks for joining in one last hurrah. You are right, it was an honor.
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    Reactions: Mr.Fox
    silver beans, silver beans, it's farewell time acnl on tbteeeee~
    • Throw Beans
    Reactions: -Blue-
    I don't think it hit me yet that NL and all that era is ending. But here's looking to the future. May the series have many more prosperous years.
    I've been racking my brain for any Zelda or Futurama themed messages, but my mind keeps blanking. Have beans and silver instead. 🫘🥈
    this may not be a team event, but the way i ran to see if we were placed on the same "team" 🥺
    Haha...I'm not sure what the fruit means, but you got the native fruit of my NH island! I'm sure we'll still have a lot of fun in the event!
    Where have I seen that in your avatar before? I swear it looks familiar.
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    Reactions: -Blue-
    It's a pretty old gif from a game mod I'm assuming. I've seen it around. There's also one with Skyward Sword Link having a stretchy head.
    Blue, I gotta say this: That's a 100/10 avatar right there.

    Quick question, is it from one of PeanutButterGamer's Wind Waker hacking videos? 'Cause it definitely looks like it. 😂
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    Reactions: -Blue- and Yoshi155
    Haha thanks! It's possible. It's an old gif, but I wanted to change my avatar so I was looking through WW ones and then I saw this masterpiece and I WANT.
    This is the best profile picture anyone on this site has.
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    Reactions: -Blue-
    Haha thanks. I deleted my avatar prematurely before I figured out how to do the animated ones. Took longer then I thought figuring it out.
    Blueeeeeeeee thank you so much for the present omg?? 🥹🥹 you absolutely didn’t have to give me anything, but i appreciate it and you so much!! i’m forever grateful to call you my friend 🥹 i hope you’re doing okay? 💙
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    Reactions: -Blue-
    You're very welcome! I wanted to give you something nice cause it was your b-day and all! I hope it's been a good one. I know things have been rough for you. So I am glad your day was good! I am doing alright, thanks!
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