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  • Heya! Aside from some computer issues earlier, my weekend's been great! About to have lunch and head out for the day, but I should be available sometime this evening to invite you over. That ok with you?

    My timezone is EST if that helps
    Oh no! I hope everything's better on your end. D= Well since I own Weber's card, there's no real deadline to do this, so just hit me up once things have calmed down, alright?
    Heya! Got Weber in my campground and will be available for the rest of the evening if you still wanna visit. =3 Lemme know when would be a good time to open my gates.
    no prob! my town is super messy even though I've been playing a lot recently 8D; I'm on my way now!
    Heya, thanks for waiting!! I'm finally done gathering your items :D do you mind if I come over to drop them off in your town?
    if you'd like you can open now! I will be there in a few minutes and you can send the tbt whenever you would like :)
    That sounds lovely if that's good with you ^^
    Will get your items now and add your fc! (Mine is 3454 2804 1321)

    I'll VM again when I'm done... May we do the trade in your town? I just find it easier haha
    Also i will be gathering the items in 10 minutes or so, so let me know if you want doubles of anything or want to add any items :blush:
    Yeah it's no issue! I would be most interested in tbt as I have quite a bit in igb at the moment... did you have an idea of what do you think is fair?
    I can get you the rest of the items on your wishlist if you still need them! Let me know :)
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