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  • Hey sorry about not getting back to you, I honestly forgot.

    I don’t have any of those, or enough tbt to buy it outright. I think I’m going to pass for now. But thank you though. :)
    I'll have to respectfully decline as I now see that blue/cyan house collectively do not make up the price of a boss feather (according to the sales in tbt marketplace)

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    Yes you can. Once I give it away, it’s not mine anymore, so I can’t decide what to do with it.
    thanks sweet <3 maybe at some point, life just happens and I haven't been super active lately but I am planning on doing some sort of pixel shop eventually x
    I apologize again, I'd love to do it I just have that fear of making anyone wait
    Hihi, sorry for the late response, I went through another of my antisocial phases haha
    Ummm I really don't know what to charge and I also have a lot on my workload so if you're okay
    with waiting, I'll put in my art gallery when I'm finally free of all obligations and we can go from there?
    I just would feel bad making you wait a while!! ; v ;
    Hi sorry I read your message about pinky and totally forgot to reply! Unfortunately I don’t want to sell Pinky at this time :( but I will let you know if I change my mind!
    really? i can send over 50 tbt or something like that!! could you put a star ☆ as the message? thank you! would you like a message on yours?
    okay i really don't know much about the value of collectibles haha would a peach be a fair trade?? otherwise would 500 for the turnip be ok?
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