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  • Oh hi! No worries. You won't know the true mess until you see my storage town. Hee hee.
    Can you gimme just some time? Actually I just woke up.
    No worries, a trellis would be more than fine! do you want to come to my town? i added you and I'll open my gates in a few minutes, gonna check I got all the items first
    5 tbt is enough ^^, let me get her in boxes and will inform you whenever she's ready :)
    hey again! you're looking for canberra right? i can scan her in for you ^^
    I'd prefer to drop em off if that's okay! And sure thing, just let me know when you're ready! I'm okay on items though, but thank you so much for the offer c:
    That's totally fine! They're just taking up space in my town, I'm kinda trying to get rid of them c: I'll throw in some extra and some mushrooms for free.
    Heya! I posted in your thread about the clovers - I usually charge 1 tbt/clover but I can sell them to you for half off c:
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