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  • Hello! I'm available most of today, please feel free to shoot me a PM when you're ready! Thanks!
    hello! i am available all day and whenever you're ready/available is good with me :)
    I'm gonna order some more stuff from you for some gifts to a friend so we can do the clovers when that order is ready. I'll make a note when I post on your thread. :)
    Ah alrighty! I'm free now if you'd like to deliver and it's okay! We all can be busy sometimes, so I completely understand! :)
    Okee dokee, sorry I was gone and got disconnected but opened the gate again!
    Gate is open and I sent the TBT, probs won't be at my 3DS. Thanks a bunch! :)
    Hello~ I'm around pretty much all day for drop off. I'm gonna open my gates now although I'll be afk at times just on case that's easier. C:
    That's perfect with me! If Saturday suits you the most then Saturday it is. Thank you so much by the way! :)
    Hiya! Sorry, I'll be heading to bed shortly. I'll totally around tomorrow if you'd like? Any time for you that suits? :)
    Hello again. I was wondering if you'll ever get a chance to respond in your thread in the TBT Marketplace section of the forums.
    Hi there! I was going to order some gold tools from you and saw you have IGB for sell too. I could definitely use some. I was just wondering if you have a limit on how many I can purchase? It's 1 TBT per 200k IGB? Thanks!
    Hiya! I'll be available to receive my order tomorrow if you'd like? It's pretty late so I'd have to go to sleep. Is there any time that would suit you? :)

    Sending the TBT now too!
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