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  • i was going to send an extra one i had your way but wasn’t sure if you needed it. do you want a message on it? c:
    btw ill be a little afk since im having dinner but just put everything around the train station c:
    hi c:
    im online now and the next few hours so just let me know whenever you have time to come over :3
    Hello! I'm available most of today, please feel free to shoot me a PM when you're ready! Thanks!
    hello! i am available all day and whenever you're ready/available is good with me :)
    I'm gonna order some more stuff from you for some gifts to a friend so we can do the clovers when that order is ready. I'll make a note when I post on your thread. :)
    Ah alrighty! I'm free now if you'd like to deliver and it's okay! We all can be busy sometimes, so I completely understand! :)
    Okee dokee, sorry I was gone and got disconnected but opened the gate again!
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