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  • The only thing that's a joke here is your playstyle now please dismiss yourself from my VM's.
    I'm pretty sure it's just from your horrendous playstyle, but whatever helps you sleep at night, owl-boy.
    Almost anyone can win with Spamus if you're rolling and charging neutral-B all match, pal.
    You're honestly the worst person I've ever played Smash with on this forum. Sorry if I'm being blunt, but it's true. I'll happily take the L anyday over a player with an abundance of skill, but what you just displayed against me with your Bayonetta was the exact opposite, and it left a rotten taste in my mouth.
    Eating some lunch rn, but go ahead and add my NNID (SAUCExBOSS) and I'll be there in 10ish.
    Rad. I'll hit you up when I'm outta work. It won't be for a good while, though. I hope you're still awake at the time haha.
    I'm down! I only have the Wii U version, though.

    Also, if you're down to play right now, I got some time to kill real quick before work.
    Well, to be honest I gotta make write with abreviations because my english isnt too extended and I dont want to seem a jerk who thinks he can write perfectly in english, lol. While talking in spanish I do write properly, though

    I understand you, like, it's just hard to make any mistake, even on purpose, the text is just too way well structured and you don't want to destroy the aesthetic it creates, right??

    And for the age thing, idk, maaaybe its because you like bowie and since he was from the 90's... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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