J J Jarrad Jun 23, 2015 really omg lol this entire time i thought they were of you and you were this huge narcissist
lars708 Jun 11, 2015 Yup, Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon too btw, for 3DS i also have luigi 2, mario tennis, mario kart, ac and smash to play online!
Yup, Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon too btw, for 3DS i also have luigi 2, mario tennis, mario kart, ac and smash to play online!
lars708 Jun 11, 2015 What was your ign again? I forgot everything about my ds after being separated from it for a month hahah!
What was your ign again? I forgot everything about my ds after being separated from it for a month hahah!
lars708 Jun 11, 2015 Hey i figured that you probably would want to know this too since we had some convos in the past, ignore my message if you don't care xD http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?295651-Quick-update!-IMPORTANT-UPDATE!&p=5071020#post5071020
Hey i figured that you probably would want to know this too since we had some convos in the past, ignore my message if you don't care xD http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?295651-Quick-update!-IMPORTANT-UPDATE!&p=5071020#post5071020
kayleee Jun 9, 2015 No hard feelings! People can get riled up when discussing stuff they feel strongly about, you know how it goes. But it's all good, thank you for the apology and I apologize as well.
No hard feelings! People can get riled up when discussing stuff they feel strongly about, you know how it goes. But it's all good, thank you for the apology and I apologize as well.
Jake Jun 9, 2015 ye that is just flashy graphics if u look closely jiggly doesn't even get a dint #indestructible
Black Cat Jun 4, 2015 If you want to join the mini Malitia RP now is he time to do so as we will be starting soon
Azy May 31, 2015 Not anything off the top of my head, though it is my last day of the school year tomorrow!